i forget things . . .

i forget thingsi lose my keys, i lose my wallet, i lose my mind.

a few days ago i lost my script. i left it on that glorious regional rail, you know the one, the R5 to Paoli/Thorndale (people gotz to go to Thorndale, right). this was bad cause i was supposed to be off-book for the next rehearsal. if you are not familiar with the term “off-book” is defined as a painful process through which the actor gets weened from the script, and can no longer hide in its protective pages.

well, when i lost my script i honestly got to thinking how much i love improv. it is perfect for the absent minded, aka genius, (remember a pant-less albert einstein) performers like myself. all you need to do is show up!

i ain’t sayin improv is easy – i am saying it’s essential. it may require a lot of you – your brain, your fearless abandon, your charisma – but it is only you, and occasionally a pair of funny glasses, if you can remember them.

btw, come and see this play i’m gonna be in. it’s called The Game of Love and Chance in Love Park on July 18! It’s free so you don’t need to worry if you forget your wallet.

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